Celebrating Earth Day with TaylorMade & Sustainable Surplus Exchange
April 22, 2015
Happy Earth Day!
Earth Day is a global event, celebrated on April 22 in 192 countries with the effort to raise environmental awareness. It was first celebrated in 1970, and today the tradition is still going strong.
TaylorMade-adidas Golf (TMAG) has teamed up with Sustainable Surplus Exchange (SSE) to make the environment the focus of the week.
SSE is a non-profit organization that builds awareness about sustainability through education and by methods of collecting surplus assests from commerce for reuse in the community. The organization sources office supplies, furniture and laboratory equipment for reuse via its online store called the Exchange.
TMAG is including SSE’s program, “ENGAGE! Carlsbad,” in their weeklong festivities to help employees get into the sustainable mindset.
TMAG emphasizes the meaning of Earth Day all throughout the week with opportunitities for employees to learn and engage in sustainable business practices. As part of an internal competition, TMAG employees from different buildings compete to see who can be the most sustainable. The competition encourages eco-friendly habits like biking to work, limiting the use of paper, collecting excess supplies and recycling.
Activities include a tour of TMAG’s fuel cell, a presentation on composting and the preparation of organic foods. The culture of sustainability is strongly embedded in TMAG including manufacturing, water and energy use practices.
TMAG serves as a great example of a “green team” to emulate.