Governor Offers $75 Million to California Businesses
August 13, 2015
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is accepting applications for $75 million in tax credits available to businesses looking to stay and grow in California. The money is available through the Cal Competes Tax Credit Program. A total of $75 million is available during this round of funding. The application period closes August 17, 2015.
Last fiscal year, the Governor’s Office issued more than $150 million in business tax credits and has pledged another $250 in credits this fiscal year.
Join Carlsbad-based companies like Abtech Technologies, Inc. which earned $25,000 in tax credits last year through program.
For more information about the California Competes Tax Credit program including guidelines, FAQs and information on preparing an application, visit the program website. You can also request information or ask to be added to the California Competes Tax Credit email distribution list by contacting the Go-Biz staff at [email protected] or (916) 322-4051.