SBIR Road Tour (SBA) Comes to the San Diego Region
August 8, 2017
Attention All Small Tech Firms and Innovators!
If you’re an entrepreneur, researcher or small tech firm, you can’t afford to miss the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Road Tour, Sept. 11 from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Alexandria – Illumina Theater, 10996 Toreyana Road. The SBIR Road Tour educates small businesses about funding opportunities provided by SBIR and Small Business Administration (SBA) programs. Federal and state program managers, representing $2.5 billion in early stage funding, have been invited to attend and present at the event. This is a unique opportunity to hear directly from these program managers and meet one-on-one with decision makers.
The day includes a series of panel discussions to help attendees learn how to capture seed funding, understand how evaluators think, how to avoid common mistakes and benefit from lessons learned. You can also learn how to ensure alignment with Department of Defense opportunities.
The SBIR program was established by the SBA to strengthen the role of innovative, small businesses in federally-funded research and development. Only U.S. small businesses are eligible. Register now to attend and schedule a meeting with a program manager.
The Road Tour is hosted by: UC San Diego and Biocom.